Project Description
Ainsley S.
I’d like to introduce you to my child Ainsley. She was born on 5/31/2021.
I have noticed she shows interest in singing, talking to others (including adults), and pretending. She is also really good at following directions and speaking at a level beyond her age.
Ainsley’s usual naptime is from 12pm-2pm daily, but she does very well with changes to her nap schedule or needing to skip nap for the day.
My child has been going to daycare for the past year and I have been told by her daycare that she is very articulate, has a huge personality, and is highly social. She also loves to take the lead with her peers.
Our family has a dog, cat, and birds, so Ainsley is not afraid of any kind of animals once she’s introduced to them.
The last thing I’d like to share with you is that my child is fully potty trained, makes facial expressions on command, laughs easily, loves having her picture taken, and has started learning to read.